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Do you want to learn everything about promoting your show? Then join Ken Groves with Steve Roye (of the Killer Standup course fame) and stand up comic Paul Stoecklein as they give you the insider details on promotion tips and secrets THAT WORK to help you get all of the shows you can handle.


This nearly 8 hour "Superstar Promotion Techniques" course was originally released as a physical CD set when it was first made avaible. However, the information is timeless, so it is being re-released as a digital audio download.


Think you don't need a biography, resume, business cards, headshots or a presentation folder just because we are in the computer age and you have a website?


Guess again.


Creating a professional promotion packet is still the best way to present your information to prospective clients. 


Direct mail still out performs ANY and ALL  other type of marketing - even in today's streaming media world.


Ken Groves has been a full-time comic ventriloquist for over 35 years. He has performed in every conceivable show situation. From corporate shows, to cruise lines, television appearances, fairs, trade shows, comedy clubs, banquets, private events and more, Ken has seen and done it all.  He has been a partner for the past 11 years at a theater in Ohio where he performs several times a week.


He has learned about promoting the hard way - through trial and error. 


He attributes a great deal of his success to promotional techniques he has developed over the years.


Listen in to Ken, Steve, Paul and Lee Cornell to uncover pure promotional gold in this fun, interview style presentation.


Topics covered include:

  • Introduction
  • Working Comedy Markets
  • The Biography
  • The Resume
  • Business Cards
  • Headsshots
  • The Promotional Folder


This course was at steal when it was first released as a CD set for $127.


But you're also going to get 2 amazing FREE bonuses:

  • Hell Gigs - Comedy Clubs
  • Hell Gigs - Outdoor Events


Nearly 2 hours of everything that can and will go wrong in these types of venues (based on Ken's own stories) and how to anticipate and avoid them.


The original  2 CD set sold for $47.


That's a total of value of $174.


Pick up EVERYTHING as a download now for only $47!


Instead of spending thousands of dollars on your next prop or figure that you think will make you a star, why not invest in some amazing education that will help you get enough shows to pay for a new figure? 8-)


Oh, and this course is not just for ventriloquists. It's for all entertainers.


Order now and instantly get your download link!

Superstar Promotion Techniques with Ken Groves - Digital Download

Excluding Sales Tax

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    © The Ventriloquist Academy

    Created by Lee Cornell doing business as The Ventriloquist Academy.

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